We’re excited to give a re-cap of Pastor Roman after meeting him last year and delivering Amazing Grace books to him and his community through World Vision in September 2018! World Vision is helping to support his ministry in ways that can help him disciple the community and kids through VBS curriculum, anti-violence interventions and prevention for parents who abuse their children, basic needs support. Several groups are financially supporting their curriculum needs to help the kids grow and develop in their faith!
Amazing Grace Visits Honduras and Meets Pastor Roman
God has different ways of communicating with us. Some are obvious; some are not. As believers we need to be available to God so He can use us. We also have to trust him, and know he is working behind the scenes for his purposes and plans to be drawn out. We don’t always know why things happen, but sometimes we can look back and see how God has his hand on every detail.
3 Ways to Follow God When the Path Isn't Clear
God didn’t give Abram (later to be called Abraham) a detailed map or even show him the exact final destination. He basically said, “Abram, leave your comfort zone and go where I will show you.” However, God also added that he would bless Abram and his descendants if Abram obeyed him. Abram didn’t know where he would end up, but he knew and trusted God’s character, so he obeyed anyway. Abram’s obedience happened one step at a time. With each step, Abram heard a little more from God.
A Visit to Sutherland Springs Baptist Church
On November 7, 2017, the worst thing that could ever happened, happened… In a church. One place you would think you would be safe. My husband and I went to Sutherland Springs to serve dinner earlier this month with Mercy Chefs. We passed out food, prayed over the people, and loved on them throughout the night. Everyone in Sutherland Sprimgs is still in much need of our prayers.
2 Years of AmazingGrace.Life!
When we started the website www.amazinggrace.life, we thought, “wouldn’t it be so cool if we had 200 people visit the website? Turns out over 85,000 have come to the website looking for answers and wanting to know more about Jesus! How cool is that?! Only God could make that happen!