2 Years of AmazingGrace.Life!

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Two years ago today, AmazingGrace.Life was started! It has been so exciting to see God work. It’s amazing to see what happens when you make yourself available to Him, and depend on Him to guide and direct you!

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When we started the website www.amazinggrace.life, we thought, “wouldn’t it be so cool if we had 200 people visit the website? Turns out over 85,000 have come to the website looking for answers and wanting to know more about Jesus! How cool is that?! Only God could make that happen!

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When you trust God and are available to Him so he can use you, great things happen! I always pray, “God, I want to be in your will, please guide and direct me in the way you want me to go. I’m available to you so you can use me for YOUR purposes and what you want me to do with my life.” When you ask God to be in His will, get ready to experience things only God can do!

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From the beginning, our mission has been to educate people about the truth and life of Jesus Christ, and how to become a Christian. It is our hope to reach tens of millions of people all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus. We wrote a booklet called Amazing Grace to share the Gospel of Jesus. It shares the story of Jesus’s life, and why God sent his only son to earth. We have distributed over 110,000 books in four languages all over the world. It’s so inspiring to get emails from kids who are reading our book across the United States, and in other countries as far as Russia, India and Sudan. The book is available on our website at www.amazinggrace.life. Or, if you would like a physical copy of the Amazing Grace book, please email us at info@amazinggrace.life.

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So what’s next?

We are hopefully going to get the Amazing Grace book distributed through large organizations like World Vision, Samaritans Purse, Salvation Army and Compassion International. Now, wouldn’t that would be a God thing? We can only imagine how many kids/adults lives we could reach if these organizations took our booklets all around the world! We can’t wait to see what God is going to do in our third year!

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Let’s help lead others to Christ! Please join our team in helping educate others about the truth of Jesus Christ! You can do this by sharing our posts with all of your friends so that they might go to the website, and learn about Christ and the hope, grace, mercy, love and forgiveness He has for those who love Him and know Him as their personal Lord and Savior

Thank you for being a part of our journey!


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