Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams

2 Years of AmazingGrace.Life!

When we started the website, we thought, “wouldn’t it be so cool if we had 200 people visit the website? Turns out over 85,000 have come to the website looking for answers and wanting to know more about Jesus! How cool is that?! Only God could make that happen!

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Two years ago today, AmazingGrace.Life was started! It has been so exciting to see God work. It’s amazing to see what happens when you make yourself available to Him, and depend on Him to guide and direct you!

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When we started the website, we thought, “wouldn’t it be so cool if we had 200 people visit the website? Turns out over 85,000 have come to the website looking for answers and wanting to know more about Jesus! How cool is that?! Only God could make that happen!

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When you trust God and are available to Him so he can use you, great things happen! I always pray, “God, I want to be in your will, please guide and direct me in the way you want me to go. I’m available to you so you can use me for YOUR purposes and what you want me to do with my life.” When you ask God to be in His will, get ready to experience things only God can do!

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From the beginning, our mission has been to educate people about the truth and life of Jesus Christ, and how to become a Christian. It is our hope to reach tens of millions of people all over the world with the Gospel of Jesus. We wrote a booklet called Amazing Grace to share the Gospel of Jesus. It shares the story of Jesus’s life, and why God sent his only son to earth. We have distributed over 110,000 books in four languages all over the world. It’s so inspiring to get emails from kids who are reading our book across the United States, and in other countries as far as Russia, India and Sudan. The book is available on our website at Or, if you would like a physical copy of the Amazing Grace book, please email us at

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So what’s next?

We are hopefully going to get the Amazing Grace book distributed through large organizations like World Vision, Samaritans Purse, Salvation Army and Compassion International. Now, wouldn’t that would be a God thing? We can only imagine how many kids/adults lives we could reach if these organizations took our booklets all around the world! We can’t wait to see what God is going to do in our third year!

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Let’s help lead others to Christ! Please join our team in helping educate others about the truth of Jesus Christ! You can do this by sharing our posts with all of your friends so that they might go to the website, and learn about Christ and the hope, grace, mercy, love and forgiveness He has for those who love Him and know Him as their personal Lord and Savior

Thank you for being a part of our journey!

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Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams

8 Simple Ways to Share God’s Love with Your Little Ones All Day Long

If you’re looking for ways to share God with your little ones, here are 8 simple things that you can start doing today:


If you’re looking for ways to share God with your little ones, here are 8 simple things that you can start doing today:

Pray Out Loud Throughout the Day

As you go through your day, look for reasons to praise God out loud. Ask Him for help. Pray over your husband and children. Show them that prayer can happen anytime, anywhere because God is with us all the time, everywhere. While there is definitely a need for solo prayer time with God, by sharing some of your prayer time with your children, you’re laying a strong foundation for them as they learn what it means to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Read the Bible Out Loud

I try to read at least one chapter from God’s Word out loud to my daughter every single day. She’s too young right now to understand the need to sit still and listen, so I just read to her while she crawls around on the floor and plays with her toys. She’s still hearing God’s precious Word, and I pray that she will, as a result, learn to crave daily time with Him. Even if your children are too young to really pay attention, start reading the Bible out loud to them today.

Play Worship Music (And, of course, have dance parties!)

My husband is really good about this one! He’ll come in for work, put on worship music, and dance with our daughter while I’m making dinner. The music and dancing make the entire house seem brighter and lovelier. During the day, put on some worship music, sing and dance with your kids. Enjoy worshiping the Lord together!

Tell Your Children God Loves Them (and repeat continuously!)

Before each sleep time (naps and nighttime) I tell my daughter 3 things: “I love you, your daddy loves you, and, most of all, God loves you!” I want her to hear this so much that she doesn’t ever question how much she is loved by her earthly parents and her Heavenly Father. Also, incorporate this into teaching games. My daughter is starting to learn where her body parts are so this is a fun one for us! Point to your child’s nose and say, “God loves your nose!” And so on. Such a fun way to teach them that God loves every part of them!

Use Everyday Things to Teach Your Child about God

It’s so easy to lose our wonder in the world around us and all that God has created. Start using small, everyday things to teach your children about God’s creation. When you see a butterfly, say “God created that beautiful butterfly.” Or a sunset. Or a flower. Share in the beauty God has created with your children all day long.

Read Children’s Christian Books during Story Time

There are so many wonderful Christian children’s books out there that make learning about God lots of fun! We love The Jesus Storybook BibleJust in Case You Ever WonderGod Gave Us You, and If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart. As your little ones are getting ready for naps or nighttime sleep, take a few moments to read from one of these books.

Get Your Children Involved in Serving Others

This one can seem a little more intimidating than the rest but is still doable, even if you have very young children. If you’re sending out a care package or a handwritten note to someone in need of love, have your child make a finger painting (or even just a hand or footprint) to include. There’s something about baby “artwork” that seems to brighten just about anyone’s day! Also, take your children with you as you serve others. My husband and I started volunteering at a homeless ministry when our daughter was about 4 months old. I would cook the food and then we’d all go together to deliver it. I would hold our daughter as my husband helped serve the food. She wasn’t able to actually participate, of course, but she’s still seeing an important aspect of following Christ: Service to others. Also, having her with me gave me opportunities to share God’s love with the other moms and children there. As she gets older, we’re looking forward to teaching her about donating her toys to children in need, among many other service opportunities.

Talk about God Regularly in Everyday Conversations

Remember, kids are always listening! As you talk with your friends, family, and others in the community, make sure you mention God regularly. Don’t be afraid to talk about how God has brought you through struggles and how He has blessed you. Your children will benefit from knowing that God is with us through every struggle, every season, and every joy in life. Don’t relegate God to a “Sunday church conversation.” Make Him a part of every aspect of your life and let your children hear you do this.

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to share God’s love with your young children, just start with these small, simple strategies. Don’t worry about finding perfection in time, method, or place. Simply include God in every aspect of your day with your little ones.

Read original article HERE

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Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams Sharing God's Love Whitney Williams

Blessings for the New School Year


When my kids were young, I loved taking them to pick out their new backpacks, school supplies, clothes and shoes for school. We would spend the day knocking it all out at once as we store hopped on a determined buying mission. We checked it all off our lists as we braved the trenches of school supply aisles in the local super center. We would be armed and ready for whatever the new school year would bring.

As the first day of school closed in on us, endless questions plagued my anxious mind. Would the kids like their new teachers? Would they get to be in the same classroom as their best buddies?

We would all have to get into a new routine, back to making those bagged lunches and after school snacks. There would be rides to practices, and piles of homework. Of course there would always be a few extra trips to the school to schlep the carelessly forgotten gear, lunches, and assignments.

These days the school supplies in my family have been replaced with apartment furnishings, car insurance and college text books.

There are many times I wish I could go back to the days of making those early morning waffles floating in maple syrup before school. Those days that seemed so rushed, stressed and hurried now are just cherished memories of a time I wish I could have back again. It has flown by so quickly and without my permission. They are suddenly grown and gone.

I realized that as we are reluctantly handing our kids over to new teachers, dorms, coaches, and even their own apartments, we can simultaneously hand them over to the complete, unchanging, infinite, protection of God!

He can and will be there to pick up the slack for us weary, anxious, parents. We can trust Him to always be there when we cannot. Whether our kids are coloring at the first grade art table or they are 500 miles away from us on a college campus, We can trust that our almighty God is watching over them and He will never leave them nor forsake them (see Hebrews13:5).

I like to start my mornings, coffee and Bible in hand, sitting on my back patio with my dog curled up next to me. It's where I have my morning prayer time with God. It is where I hand it all over, my concerns, fears and worries and ask Him to amazingly bless the days of my children. I ask for His ultimate protection over them. I visualize them covered in the full, securing, armor of God. I pray that His perfect will be done in their lives, and that they would make wise choices according to His word. I ask for His unceasing favor and noble grace to be upon them. I ask for Him to send a legion of His heavenly angels to surround my children continuously and to pluck them out of harms way. I pray for wonderful Christian friends and teachers to surround them. I visualize the mighty hand of God holding them up, so safe and protected, so strong, changeless and unfailing. Then as I continue on in my day, I know that my words will not return to me void (see Isaiah 55:11). I know God has heard me and if it is His will, He will honor my requests.

So as we begin this and all new school years and as we are diligently packing up the school gear, waking the kids up early, and sending them out the door, let's send them securely wrapped in the Lord's arms with an abundance of favor and blessings heaped upon them, dressed in their new shoes and of course in the full armor of God!!

By Nina Keegan, find the original article HERE

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