Disaster Relief Elizabeth Keith Disaster Relief Elizabeth Keith

Pray For Ukraine

Two days ago, we talked about the rumors of war, fearing that the peace long enjoyed in the West could be broken. That fear has become reality. As an American official told ABC News, “You are likely in the last few hours of peace on the European continent for a long time to come.”

Two days ago, we talked about the rumors of war, fearing that the peace long enjoyed in the West could be broken. That fear has become reality. As an American official told ABC News, “You are likely in the last few hours of peace on the European continent for a long time to come.” 

After weeks of Moscow’s saber rattling and vain promises that they had no designs on Ukraine, the Russian army has invaded its neighbor. Few were surprised, given the amassing of 200,000 troops on the border. Vladimir Putin made his intentions clear through theatrically executed meetings at the Kremlin where he walked his advisers through a script of dubious historical grievances and attempted to justify his recognition of the independence of territory inside Ukraine that Russia already controlled. 

At the same time, especially at this time in history in which wars are witnessed by the world in real time, it is hard to believe what we are all now seeing. Even up to the very end, there were pundits and politicians suggesting that the Russians would not take such a risk, and Russian officials continued to call warnings of the impending invasion “American propaganda.”  

And, there’s the old military saying that no plan survives contact with the enemy. Putin certainly knew that invading his neighbor would make his nation a pariah in the world community. So, surely, he wouldn’t actually do it, would he? 

He would and he did. Using an alleged call by the newly “independent” regions for aid against the “terrorist” actions of the Ukrainians as pretext, Putin ordered Russian forces into Ukraine. He claimed his actions were to prevent a humanitarian crisis from the supposedly Nazi-inspired government in Kyiv, even though that government had a Jewish president

Although most pre-war estimates were that he’d issue a smaller attack, enough to seize just part of Ukraine and place a pro-Moscow puppet in charge, the Russian attack has hit all across the nation. 

As of this writing, Russian forces are said to be in control of the Kyiv airport and the infamous Chernobyl nuclear plant and appear to be making progress out of Crimea in the South and toward Kharkiv in the East. 

Our news feeds are showing the devastation in real time. The low-flying Russian plane, flinging missiles into resident neighborhoods with a child crying in the background; the fathers saying goodbye to their children as they head back to the front; the massed helicopter attack, looking like something out of the movie Red Dawn

It’s far from clear what tomorrow will bring. Maybe, somehow, Western sanctions will force the Russians to back down. Maybe the Ukrainians hardened resistance will enable them to outlast their foe. Maybe the Russian people will finally sicken of Putin’s despotism and demand a new regime. Maybe it will all spiral out of control to the point that Europe, America, and other nations will have to get involved. All we do know is that before all is said and done, tens if not hundreds of thousands of people will be dead for the sake of Putin’s vanity. 

Where can hope be found in such dark days? As was from the beginning, is now, and ever shall be…only in Christ. 

When Christ was on Earth, He offered hope to people whose situation was more defined by fear than the affluence we’re all used to today. He knew that their world would, in fact, be further rocked by turmoil, the likes of which they’d never seen. And He knew He would not be with them, at least not in person.  

In Matthew 24 Jesus issued a somewhat vague warning about how bad it could get. Wondering what His words meant, His disciples asked for further direction, clarification, and hope. This was Jesus’ reply:   

“See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”   

Jesus pulls no punches. He issues no false promises of world peace. He assures them that there would be wars, troubles, and calamities, and when they did come, they’d be just the beginning. Still, despite the impending chaos, Jesus said that it was possible not to lose our way. Or, as He put it in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”   

Often recently, I’ve been reminded of something about prayer, especially when we are tempted to wonder, “Other than pray, what can I do?” Praying is doing something. In fact, it’s the most important thing.   

The Anglican Church in Dublin, Ireland, has crafted a prayer quite fitting for this moment:  

O Lord our Governor, whose glory is in all the world:  

We commend to your merciful care the people and government of Ukraine that, being guided by your providence, they may dwell secure in your peace.  

Grant to their leaders and all in authority, wisdom and strength to know and to do your will. Fill them with the love of truth and righteousness,  

and make them ever mindful of their calling to serve their people;  

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.  

And, another prayer worth praying in this moment:  

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit  

may so move every human heart in the nations of the world,  

that working and witnessing together,  

we may live in justice and peace  

and change the hearts of those who would make for conflict and war;  

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Wars and Rumors of Wars
John Stonestreet and Timothy D. Padgett | BreakPoint | February 23, 2022

Source: Breakpoint, Colson Center

Written By: John Stonestreet and Timothy D. Padgett

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Disaster Relief Whitney Williams Disaster Relief Whitney Williams

A Visit to Sutherland Springs Baptist Church

On November 7, 2017, the worst thing that could ever happened, happened… In a church. One place you would think you would be safe. My husband and I went to Sutherland Springs to serve dinner earlier this month with Mercy Chefs. We passed out food, prayed over the people, and loved on them throughout the night. Everyone in Sutherland Sprimgs is still in much need of our prayers.


On November 7, 2017, the worst thing that could ever happened, happened… In a church. One place you would think you would be safe. My husband and I went to Sutherland Springs to serve dinner earlier this month with Mercy Chefs. We passed out food, prayed over the people, and loved on them throughout the night. Everyone in Sutherland Sprimgs is still in much need of our prayers.


As she broke down, one lady told me, “this is my church and my town." We hugged her, and cried with her as she told us her story. “I had planned on going to church that day, but my grandson came down with fever so I stayed home with him. As soon as I got the call about the shooting, his fever broke. God kept me from going to church that day. There are stories just like mine all around the town.“


I thought to myself, God protected her and her grandson that day and many others in the town. I don’t know why he chose the ones he did to stay at home that day, but we will find that out when we get to heaven. God doesn’t ask us to understand why things happen. He says, “Trust Me.“

Another lady named Freda told me that she was shot five times in the legs! During her two-hour surgery, her family gathered in the waiting room, hugging each other and crying together. They all thought she was going to die. Two weeks later, she walked out of the hospital without even a cane or a wheelchair! Now that is a miracle! There is a reason Freda is alive. She told me that she moved to Sutherland Springs to get away from Hurricane Harvey, so she survived a hurricane and a shooting! Hand that woman a pen and paper and let her write a book!


There are no words to explain what happened or why. All I can do is point people to God and tell them to focus on him. He is the healer, wonderful, Counselor, Almighty, Prince of Peace... this verse comes to mind: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭

What happened that day is unexplainable, and excusable, and one of the most horrific things that have happened in my lifetime. I know that God can bring something good out of something bad. We may never know what it is but that doesn’t matter. Just trust.

- Amy Simmons Crafton, Founder of AmazingGrace.Life 

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Disaster Relief Whitney Williams Disaster Relief Whitney Williams

A Prayer For Victims of Harvey

Dear God,

Thank You for the many precious promises in Your Word that reassure us that the various sufferings that we face today are but for a short time, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us in the eternal ages to come.


Dear God,

Thank You for the many precious promises in Your Word that reassure us that the various sufferings that we face today are but for a short time, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us in the eternal ages to come.

Thank You that the pain we must endure is but for a season, and will give way to joys that are unspeakable and full of glory, knowing that we have been promised an eternal rest, when all tears will be wiped from our eyes.

All glory be to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort that we ourselves receive from the Lord - how we praise Your holy name,


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Disaster Relief Whitney Williams Disaster Relief Whitney Williams

Ways We Can Help Victims of Harvey


General Relief

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner established a Harvey relief fund at The Greater Houston Community Foundation. The organization connects donors with a network of nonprofits and innovative solutions in the social sector.

GlobalGiving, which calls itself the largest global crowdfunding community, has a goal of raising $2 million for its Harvey relief fund. Funds will be used first for immediate needs of food, water and shelter and then transition to long-term recovery efforts.

United Way of Greater Houston has launched a relief fund for storm-related needs and recovery. The organization says it already maintains a disaster relief fund but anticipates the needs of Harvey will far exceed those existing resources.

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy has also launched a Hurricane Harvey relief fund. The organization says its strategy emphasizes "investing well rather than investing quickly, addressing the greatest needs and gaps in funding that may be yet to emerge."

GoFundMe, the social fundraising site, has created a landing page that gathers the campaigns on its platform related to Harvey.

The Salvation Army says it is providing food and water to first responders and preparing for massive feeding efforts for residents.

Send Relief and Southern Baptist Disaster Relief says its teams began responding before Harvey made landfall and continues on-the-ground relief work.

Samaritan's Purse is accepting donations as well as volunteers for Harvey disaster relief for the coming months.


As well as the American Red Cross, local organizations accepting blood donations are Carter BloodCare and the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center.


Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County coordinates the city's response to homelessness, serving as "a backbone organization" to groups that offer direct service. It has been providing updated information on shelters with available beds.

Airbnb has set up an urgent accommodations site, where people can open their homes to evacuees from the storm or find shelter themselves. Service fees are waived for those who check in by Sept. 1.


A number of food banks will be aiding the affected region. Consider donating money instead of food, as it allows a food bank to use your donation most efficiently.

Feeding Texas is a statewide nonprofit that works alongside state and federal relief efforts. The organization says it steps in during major disasters to "coordinate with the state and other providers so that relief reaches families quickly and the 'second disaster' of an unorganized response is avoided."

Here is its list of food banks in Texas likely to be affected by Harvey:

Houston Food Bank

Galveston Food Bank

Food Bank of the Golden Crescent (Victoria)

Corpus Christi Food Bank

Southeast Texas Food Bank (Beaumont)

Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley (Pharr)

Brazos Valley Food Bank (Bryan)

Central Texas Food Bank (Austin)

San Antonio Food Bank

People With Disabilities

Portlight Strategies facilitates projects involving people with disabilities, including post-disaster relief work. The organization says its hotline for Inclusive Disaster Strategies has received urgent requests from people in need.


The Texas Diaper Bank, based in San Antonio, works to meet the basic needs of vulnerable babies, children with disabilities, and seniors. It focuses on providing partner agencies with diapers and goods.


The SPCA of Texas is organizing evacuations of pets in Texas (including 123 cats from a shelter in Corpus Christi) and offers resources on pet-friendly housing for evacuees.

Austin Pets Alive! says it has transported more than 235 animals to its shelter. The organization seeks donations, as well as people who can adopt animals. It says it has received so many donated supplies that it's running out of storage space, so financial donations are what it needs most.

Resources found HERE

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