Amazed by Grace

Trials and tribulations happen just as rampant and severe to those of us who serve others as they do to those we serve. During these times Satan’s ploy is to get us to think we have nowhere to turn. Whether it’s burnout due to the overwhelming needs of others, shortage of staff or funds, or personal issues, those of us who serve others need the same grace we dispense to others.

Oftentimes, when I am going through trials, scriptures pop into my mind, and I say, “Yes, LORD, but what does that look like?” During one arduous trial I was enduring, Psalm 91:14 popped into my mind. “Because he loves me says the LORD, I will rescue him, I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.” As I meditated on that verse the phone rang. It was Amy Crafton, “Vince,” she stated, “AmazingGrace.Life would like to make it possible for YBC to take 50 kids to Kids Across America again this summer.” I responded, “Amy, I just can’t, I just buried my sister after burying my brother a few years ago, my marriage is in shambles, my daughter is being bullied at school, my son is having learning issues, and I’ve been sharing the vision God gave me for a new facility and no one seems to be listening. I’m just not in a good place right now. I don’t see how I can do it.” Amy’s response, “Vince, you’re doing the Lord’s work, you’re just under spiritual attack. Thanks for letting me know how to pray for you and when you get time, I’d like to hear about the vision God has given you.” I thought to myself, “That’s the last time I’ll hear from her.” I was wrong.

In addition to prayer, God used Amy and AmazingGrace.Life to provide for YBC in many tangible ways. In addition to support from Amazing Grace Life, YBC has had many friends hear about us from Amy, and they have come alongside us in serving the underserved.

As our building campaign progressed, we needed additional donations to close the deal. Just in the nick of time I received a letter (which I still have) from Harold Simmons with a check enclosed to close the deal. We moved into our facility, and the ministry continued to grow. We have had other burdens to cross and always God has been faithful in carrying us through. We can truly say we exist today as a testament to our Faithful Father who sees us, hears us and takes care of us through the body of Christ.

Each time I think of Amy a line from my favorite poem, “IF” by Rudyard Kipling comes to mind:

“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch”

AmazingGrace.Life is in lockstep with the work of the Holy Spirit. I am amazed by the changes it has made in my life and those YBC serves in the following ways:

· Children hear a clear presentation of the plan of salvation at YBC.

· Thousands of children ages 4-12 have become Christians at YBC.

· Parents marvel at the prayer life and scripture memory of their children once they join YBC.

· 28,800 after school meals served.

· 11,000 meals served.

· 21,000 hours of homework help.

· 92% of regular attending students improve in reading, writing & math.

· Faithful attending students maintain an 80+ GPA or higher.

· 100% of students who remain in YBC until 18 graduate high school.

· YBC has college graduates from NYU, SMU, UT Arlington, UT Dallas, Baylor, the University of Houston, El Centro, Richland College, Dallas Theological Seminary, Perkins School of Theology at SMU, and we have a student who earned a scholarship to study abroad in Singapore.

· YBC has students either enlisted or honorably discharged from various branches of the Armed forces. (Army, Air Force and Navy).

Through prayer, hands on ministry, and a series of 11th hour reprieves, Amazing Grace Life has played a major role in YBC’s longevity. As a result, we will celebrate 25 years of changing lives in April 2020.

Vince Gaddis

Youth Believing in Change


Youth With A Mission


Living the Christian Life