Living the Christian Life

I was at the end of my rope. My marriage was falling apart, I was starting my own photography business, and my dad was dying of cancer. My mom invited me to a Bible class and that’s when my life began to change. It didn’t change overnight, but it was the beginning of my journey… Following Jesus. Sandy came into my life in 1992; she had been teaching the Bible class for many years. There was something about her that I wanted and needed in my life. It was Jesus! Over the course of the next 28 years, she taught me how important it is to trust the Lord Jesus, to depend on Him, and to be available to Him. Then, He could use me for his ways and his purposes.

As my journey in life moved along, my father passed away, and my marriage ended. I was so hungry for the Lord. I was in four different Bible classes a week. I was reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (that changed my life!) I also did a workbook called, Experiencing God, and that had huge impact on my life as well. It taught me to look to see where God is working in my life and follow HIM. So I did. Sandy and I began to meet two or three times a month at Starbucks. I called it, Starbucks with Sandy. I hung on every word she said, because I knew she spoke Truth, Truth that comes from the Bible. She poured into me things that the Bible teaches that I never knew. For example, she taught me about prayer and why it is so important to pray and develop that intimate relationship with Jesus. She taught me to study the Scriptures, and how taking time out of your day is important, so that you can hear the Lord speak to you. She taught me to share the Gospel, that exposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people is something that will change their lives forever and for eternity if they accept Jesus as Savior. Sandy says that there are two parts to being a Christian. The first is the day you ask Him into your heart and believe that He died on the cross for your sins and rose again in three days. The second part is following Him and learning about Him through the words of the Bible. That is why I think the Lord placed it on my heart to spread the Gospel to as many people as I can. The Bible talks about sharing Him and now I try to share everyday!

Over the past 30 years I have learned that trusting in the Lord, depending on Him, and being available to Him, is a real game changer. I can truly say my life would not be the same without the relationship I have with the Lord and with Sandy! She is my mentor, my rock, and my go-to here on earth. I’m so glad that I get to celebrate her 100th birthday this week!


Amazed by Grace

