What happens when we don’t feel like giving thanks, especially during times of rising fuel prices, increasing mortgage rates, food shortages, job losses, and more? Amid unstable times, God asks us to focus on Him and His faithfulness, instead of our circumstances.
Lies with Truth
Turning to Proverbs 30:5, I inhaled and exhaled slowly before reading out loud. “Every word of God is flawless,” I read, “he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
A Life of Integrity
Proverbs says that those who desire to live honestly, who want their lives to display faithfulness and authenticity, make choices based on what’s true rather than what’s expedient.
4 Practical Ways to Discern the Voice of God
God sends heavenly agents (Psalms 147:15) and speaks through our ministries here on earth. On the winds of His tone is the gift of salvation; God’s voice redeems us. God spoke audibly to create the world, and us! We hear Him because He is our Abba Father. Like sheep hear the shepherd’s voice so we hear Christ’s.
BreakPoint: Yes, Christians Do Hear God’s Voice
As Eric points out, followers of Christ hear Him speak in many ways–by reading and meditating on Holy Scripture, through wise advisors and fellow believers, through dreams, and even through experiences and circumstances. To quote Francis Schaeffer, He is there, and He is not silent.