How Do I Fit In?

What does Christianity have to do with me?

In a world saturated with messages, it becomes challenging to find one’s place. Read this book. Eat these foods. Meditate this much. Pray to this god. The demons of anxiety and confusion slip into one’s mind leaving the abyss of loneliness and failure ever present. The beauty of the Gospel lies in the fact that the endless requirements fall away amidst the gift of Jesus.

The world preaches a judgmental, task-oriented God of Christianity. Many think one must give up pleasures and fun to follow this so-called Savior. However, the truth lies in His Word. “The thief comes to steal kill and destroy, I come that you may have life and life abundant” (John 10:10). Abundant Life. The God of the Bible does not demand sacrifices to enter His grace. Rather, this God offers freedom and hope paid for by His own Son, Jesus. Upon entering the presence of the Lord, one will discover a life of Joy and Peace that cannot exist outside His reach. 

The question of purpose and meaning disappears when one steps into this loving presence of Jesus. No longer is it about “how do I fit into this equation?” rather it becomes “how great is He?” Each person was thoughtfully crafted with a unique purpose and value. Every soul has gifts and talents that provide life and joy to those around them. The very details of each soul’s wiring draws one nearer to the Creator. Rather than seeking significance in personal achievement or behavior, one finds value in their personhood. Every person was created in the Image of God. 

Therefore, the God of the universe provides solace, direction and comfort to all who approach His throne. He does not expect anything of His followers. Instead, as one gets to know this King, one will long to live in a way that reflects His character. One will discover that illuminating the greatness of God is how one fits in to this world. Thus, as the world speaks action and achievement into one’s value, remember that those are lies. Seek to learn about God and praise Him for who He made you to be. Glorify His name above all others. This how you fit in to Christianity. The intrinsic value given to you upon creation is all you need to find peace in this world. Christ died for you, He rose for you, and He promises life to you.  

Author: Elizabeth Keith


Names of God


You Can Count on God