Give Generously

This week we looked at the good gifts God gives to His children. He is generous and kind. We often zoom through our days without looking up or out and forget to notice all the ways God gave generously to us. It is easy to miss seeing His provisions, but that doesn’t mean that they are not there. They are. Every. Single. Day. If you are His child and you have breath in your lungs, there will be gifts from God you will experience each day.

What if each day for the next week we choose to take one minute and list off the various things God gave to us that day? Start small. God gave me life and breath today. God gave me food today. God gave me the birds chirping outside today. Then see how many you can come up with in that one minute. You may be tempted to keep going. Gratitude is contagious and tends to cause a snowball effect. After you have listed off the gifts from God, sincerely thank Him. It will bring Him joy to hear your thanksgiving and praise, and it will refresh your soul.

As a final way to remember the generosity of God, we want to encourage each of you to find one time this week to be generous with someone else. We are attaching a Give Generously Card from Foundations with Janet. This Card serves as a simple way to bless someone with a small gift and tell them of the greatest gift all in one. God is a good gift giver, so we want to follow suit. He will transform us one gift at a time.

Written By: Elizabeth Keith


What is the Gospel?


Childlike Faith