Choose the flesh or the Spirit

We often hear people say that everyone must serve something, so to choose wisely. As Christians we believe that people only have two options, one must either serve their flesh or the Spirit. This is laid out clearly in Scripture and specifically in Romans 8. In verses 7-8 Paul (the author of Romans) explains the detriment that accompanies following your flesh. If someone chooses to submit to themselves (flesh) over the Spirit (God), then they are “hostile to God” and “cannot please God.” What should we take away from these striking words?

First, this exhortation to choose God over self should empower us. Let us flip the warnings into what will happen if we follow God. We will be friends with God and please Him. Wow! We have the choice to either turn our backs and disregard God, His law, and His friendship, or we can become friends with the Creator of the Universe.

Second, choosing the flesh only brings temporary pleasure. Flesh is mortal and finite. There is only so much one can do as a human and it is quite limited. However, God is powerful and endless. He was and is and will be forevermore. If we submit to the Spirit, we are choosing to align ourselves with the most powerful, eternal being that will ever exist. Practically this seems to be a better long-term plan.

Lastly, most things from the flesh are confusing, deceptive, and isolating. Even the things that seem to be harmless will end and stop giving life (i.e. deceptive). For instance, nutrition. You could choose to make nutrition your number one goal and submit yourself fully to pursuing your health and nutrition. This is not innately bad. However, when you are 85, regardless of the hours you spent training and feeding your body, you will near death and see your abilities decline. Nutrition can take you far in life, but is it worth your everything? Eventually it will fail. It cannot go on forever. Paul would argue no. He would suggest instead that you lay down to God first. In turn, God will ask you to pursue a healthy lifestyle body, mind, and soul. God made you and therefore knows that nutrition is important. He also knows that pursuing Him first is better. Following the Spirit is clear and without secret, lies, or confusion. When you submit to the Spirit, you submit to God. His ways become your ways.

Overall, it seems the most positive and clear choice is submitting to the Spirit. But the beauty of choosing the Spirit is that it is a choice. Everyone can say yes or no to the Spirit of God. He will not force Himself on you. He will offer His hand and allow you to say yes. God is a gentleman and quietly pursues His beloved children.

Written By: Elizabeth Keith