Advent Prayers Week Two: The Peace of Advent

Advent is a time of reflection and anticipation in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The word "Advent" comes from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming". The advent season symbolizes both the waiting for the birth of Christ and his return. A popular tradition during Advent is the advent wreath made of evergreen to symbolize everlasting life in the midst of winter and a circle to remind us of both God's unending love and the eternal life offered through Jesus Christ. 

The Advent wreath has four candles - one is lit each Sunday of the four weeks of Advent. Each candle represents a new focus and time of reflection. The second week of Advent is the candle of peace.  This candle reminds us that the angels declared "peace on earth" at the birth of Jesus. Jesus offers us inner peace and peace with others. We can know and experience peace today only though the life of Jesus Christ.

Use these Scriptures and prayer for the second week of Advent to reflect on the Prince of Peace.

Advent Week Two: Scripture for Reflection

Isaiah 9:6Luke 2:14Matthew 1:23Philippians 2:8-101 Timothy 1:15-17John 3:161 John 5:11Jeremiah 29:11Romans 8:34-35John 14:27

Advent Week Two Prayer: A Prayer for Peace

Heavenly Father,

You are the God who gives peace. This second week of Advent, cause us to remember that because of Jesus we can experience a Christmas free from turmoil and chaos. Regardless of our circumstances or our situations, you offer us peace that passes understanding. 

That first Christmas, when you sent your Son, you sent the one who is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Even the angels cried out, ‘Glory to God in the Highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.’ The angels knew your purpose. They know the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love that Christmas held. They recognized the fullness of God was wrapped in the tiny flesh of an infant as you humbled yourself and dwelt among us. Emmanuel. God with us as the baby Jesus.

That baby would grow to be the same God-man, Jesus, who would again humble himself to face death on a cruel cross as payment for our sin. He would triumphantly defeat sin and death and hell in order to cancel our sin debt and reconcile us to you, Father.

That is why you sent your Son, Jesus. Because you loved us, you sent Jesus, that we might believe in Him and receive eternal life. He was the first Christmas gift and still remains the only gift worth truly having.

You exalted Him and gave him a name above all names. Every knee in heaven and earth and under the earth must bow to the name of Jesus. The winds and waves obey Him. He rules and reigns as king over all. No situation or circumstance that we find ourselves in is a match for Jesus. 

We are able to have the fullness of peace in our hearts on Christmas day, and every day, because that same Jesus sits at your right hand in heaven and makes intercession for us. Not only that, but he paid our sin debt. He loves us with a love that is unfathomable. Nothing can separate us from His love. He is good and his plans for us are good.

Father, this second week of Advent, keep us in perfect peace as our mind stays on the truth of your powerful love. Thank you for your mighty, sovereign hand. Help us to trust fully in you and rest in the peace that you offer.

It’s in the precious name of Jesus we pray.


Written By: Bobbie Schaeperkoetter



Advent Prayers Week Three: The Gift of Joy


Advent Prayers Week One: The Hope of Advent