Are you looking to the cross to find your way?
I am in a part of the world I've never been in before, St. Vincent and the Grenadine Islands. It's near the equator that separates the northern and southern hemisphere's. It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. The water color is dark navy blue, light blue, and turquoise.
Last night, the boat captain pointed out that when you are this far south there are four stars that form a perfectly shaped cross, called, "the southern cross."
For centuries sailors have used the southern cross and the north star as guideposts for navigation. If they get disoriented they look to the cross to find their way.
Jesus died willingly on the cross for you and me so that we can have eternal life if we believe in him. Are you looking to the cross to find your way? Jesus is waiting for you to ask him into your life so he can help you find your way.