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Taking God with You

In Hebrews 13:5, God says 'I will never leave you nor forsake you." But are you actively taking God with you wherever you go? Here are 25 ways you can make God a part of your daily routine: 

  1. As you drive around, tune in to a Christian station or play your favorite praise and worship music. Don’t be afraid to sing along as you drive. No one can hear you. And besides, your smile will be contagious.
  2. Sing your favorite praise songs as you mop up your chores.
  3. Whenever you’re faced with a dilemma, thank God for being with you in the midst of it. Then ask God to give you wisdom.
  4. Count your blessings whenever you write a check. Thank God for providing for you.
  5. On a 3X5 card, make a list of people who need prayer. Beside each name, jot a note to remind you of that person’s prayer need. Post the note in your kitchen. While you prepare a meal or clean up, glance at the list and pray.
  6. As you drive to work, think about each staff member. Create a prayer acrostic for each person to help you pray for him or her. For example, T — time he wants with his family; O — obedience to God even when it hurts; and M — ministry with fifth-graders will flourish.
  7. When you see a school, skyscraper, hospital, prison, business, or cult meeting area, ask God to break the power of the enemy on the lives of the people inside.
  8. At the sound of an approaching siren, ask God to protect the people involved in the emergency. Pray that God’s love will shine into that situation.
  9. If a face stands out in a crowd, pray for God’s blessing and guidance in that person’s life.
  10. Stuck in a traffic jam again? Don’t sweat it; pray for the other motorists around you.
  11. Get some fresh air and a renewed spirit with a listening walk — even if it’s only a quick trot to the mailbox or a whirl around the grocery store. Ask God to speak to you. Listen quietly for God’s voice.
  12. Whenever you look at your watch, take time to ask for God’s presence to guide you through the day.
  13. When you stop at a stop sign, stop and pray for someone in your family.
  14. Pray for your city, country, and leaders whenever you see a flag.
  15. Whenever you think of someone who has wronged you, ask God to give you the grace to forgive the person.
  16. If someone is rude to you, ask God to bless the person.
  17. As you kiss family members goodbye, ask God to bless and protect them through their day.
  18. Instead of looking at your speedometer when you pass a policeman, pray for his or her protection. Do the same for firefighters.
  19. Pick a different neighbor family to pray for each week. Whenever you pass their home, ask God to bless them and pray for any needs you know of.
  20. Whenever you see a cross, remember that Jesus died for you. Thank God for the gift of his Son.
  21. If you drive through the country, let the sight of sheep remind you of your good shepherd. Thank God for his love and care.
  22. Allow the sight of stained glass to remind you of the stains Christ removed from your life. Thank God.
  23. Leave your Bible by the television. Before you turn your television on, read a verse or two from Proverbs or Psalms.
  24. Trade Bible teaching tapes with your friends or church library and listen while you work.
  25. Listen to the Bible as you run errands in your car or wash dishes.

These tips were taken from Children's Ministry Magazine, read the full article HERE