The Season for New Beginnings
It's the season for new beginnings, new eras, and new commitments. High school and college graduations are happening all over the world! A lot of people are very excited but also may be a little nervous as well. No matter what transition is going on in your life, don't forget to PRAY! Sometimes we don't know how to pray or what to ask for, so we are going to be posting prayers for the next couple of weeks to get you started. Below is a prayer for transition, we encourage you to pray this prayer with those in your life who are experiencing change.
Dear Lord,
As I start a new era and a new chapter in my life, please guide and direct me to the path you have chosen for me. Block my way if I go the wrong direction. I am available to you, please give me YOUR wisdom and knowledge. Help me be aware and attentive to what is going on around me, so I can see how you are working in my life.
I trust you Lord, it is in YOUR name, the name of Jesus I pray these things,