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5 Step Challenge to #JointheJourney

Last week we challenged you to #JointheJourney through 5 simple steps. We hope to continue to encourage you to take those steps, especially if you are considering that first one. 

Step 1

Step 1: We know that a lot of you are starting a new journey today with back to school and we want to encourage you to incorporate God into you daily lives by offering you the steps that will help you get there! 

Step 2

Step 2: We encourage you to Be Open Minded as you embark on Step 2 of our 5 day challenge to get closer to God! #JointheJourney

Step 3

Step 3: Curious what the Bible says about God? And how he views you? What he offers you? For Step 3 of our 5 day challenge, we're giving you the opportunity to learn more about how God sees you. Click here to learn more

Step 4

For step 4, we challenge you to find a friend and talk about God. Here are 4 ideas of where you can get started: join a neighborhood Bible study, visit your local church, reach out to a family member, connect with someone at work. #JointheJourney #5daychallenge

Step 5

Today marks the final day of our 5 step challenge. For Step 5, we encourage you to find a Bible Study. If you're not sure where to start, scroll down to read our previous blog post, or click here. 
Thank you for joining us on the journey! #JointheJourney #10Millionlives