One Year of AmazingGrace.Life
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..."
- Matthew 28:19
When Shannon and I wrote the children's book, Amazing Grace, I had no idea it would end up in countries all over the world! In the past year we have printed 110,000 copies of the Amazing Grace book. It has been printed in 6 languages so far, and more are in the queue. It makes me smile to receive emails from children, one even from as far as Sudan. I can't believe our little books are in the hands of children in Africa, Korea, Albania, Cuba, Guatemala, India and Germany. I felt like the Lord impressed on me to take it to a higher level, and that's when we began AmazingGrace.Life. The educational and informational website came first, then we started with social media. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the driving force of the ministry. In the past year, we've had 50,000 people come to the website! On Facebook, over 3.6 million people have been reached! People... this is ONLY something GOD can do!
Serving the Amazing Grace book with lunch at Village Oaks with Behind Every Door
Whenever there is a disaster like a tornado, hurricane, flood, or even police shootings, we post photos from the area and ask people to pray for the victims. I believe prayer is the most powerful action we can take when a crisis occurs. When large groups are praying for the same thing, I believe it unites people, and I know it glorifies the Lord and brings peace to the victims.
I feel like the Lord has called me to "enlarge my territory" for the sake of unbelievers. My goal is to expose the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible. If they knew how the Lord can bless them, and change their lives, they would run to Him, seek Him, and ask Him to be Lord and Savior of their life!
My hope is that by this time next year, we will have quadrupled the number of people reached! To God be the glory and may his Amazing Grace fall upon you!
Peace and blessings,