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How to be a Light this Halloween

Halloween is the perfect opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus with the children who come to our doorstep! We've pulled a few favorite Bible verses that we will be passing out to our neighbors with Halloween candy. We hope you will join us! Click here to download the verses as a PDF

Halloween Candy Bible Verses

IF you are handing out candy for Halloween, AmazingGrace.Life wants to encourage you to use the opportunity to be the LIGHT of Jesus!
Choose a Bible verse below to attach to the individual pieces of candy you hand out. 

Dum Dums
If someone makes you feel like a Dum Dum, just remember this: Jesus loves YOU! To Jesus, you are NO Dum Dum! (Read John 3:16 in the Bible.)

Reeses Pieces
When life seems to fall to “Pieces,” turn to Jesus. He loves you and will help you. (Read Hebrews 13:6 in
the Bible.)

“Smarties” know that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their lives! Be a Smartie! (Read Jeremiah 29:11 in the Bible.)

If you have a “Whopper” of a decision to make, be sure to pray about it. (Read Proverbs 3:5-6 in the Bible.)

If you’ve made a “Whopper” of a mistake in life, God will forgive you. Just ask Him. (Read Psalm 51:3 in the Bible.)

Crunch Bar
Whenever you are in a “Crunch,” call out to Jesus. He will help you. (Read Jeremiah 33:3 in the Bible.)

Life Savers
Jesus is the True “Life Saver.” (Read John 10:10 in the Bible.)

M & M’s
God’s plan for your life is that you grow up to be “Mighty” & “Marvelous.” He will help you. (Read Isaiah 55:8-9 in the Bible.)

Almond Joy
Jesus will put real “Joy” into your life. (Read Psalm 51:12 in the Bible.)